Episode 6: Why prep your own fiber?

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In this episode of the podcast, Sasha talks about why some spinners prepare their own fiber for spinning and whether you should join them.

Mentioned in this episode:

Judith Mackenzie, Three Bags Full 

Kate Larson, The Practical Spinner’s Guide: Wool  

Beth Smith, The Spinner’s Book of Fleece 

Ashford flick carder

Schacht fine wool cards

Clemes and Clemes wool cards

Blue Mountain Handcrafts two pitch hand combs

Valkyrie superfine hand combs

Louet mini-combs

Esther Rogers, Fiber Preparation for Spinning 

Beth Smith’s handcarding video for Schacht 

The Sheepspot Fleece Club





Episode 7: Behind the scenes: The Sheepspot fiber club


Episode 5: Do your creative projects find you?