Fibery plans for 2017
Kat's going to sample more.
Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Do you make them about knitting and spinning? Here at Sheepspot, some of us do and some of us don't. My fabulous virtual assistant and community manager, Kat (above), does. This year, she wants to knit more with her handspun yarns. In order to do this, she's going to do more planning and sampling before she spins, so she knows she'll get the yarn she wants for her project and that's she's using the fiber to best advantage.
Danielle wants to work from her stash and finish UFOs.
My wonderful studio assistant, Danielle, has also made a few fiber-related resolutions this year. She wants to "1) work from my huge stash of fibre and yarn instead of buying new all the time; 2) if/when I need something new for a project, buy indie & local; and 3) finish all the projects I've started and haven't cast off."
Me with Mr. Sheepspot. I want to feel meditative, joyful, and unencumbered.
I don't really make resolutions. But l love the process Danielle LaPorte describes in The Desire Map, of choosing some ways I want to feel in the coming year. In my fiber life, I want to feel meditative, joyful, and unencumbered. In other words, I want to remember how important working with fiber is for my mental health and do lots of it. I want to work with materials whose colors and textures delight me. And I want to let go of everything in my stash that I don't absolutely love.
Are you thinking about your fibery 2017? I'd love to know what's on your mind. Hit reply and tell me!
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