Spin School

A Complete Course in the Fundamentals of Handspinning

Spin School is a five-month online course that takes new and self-taught spinners from feeling confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed at their wheels, to feeling confident, relaxed, and filled with joy as they create yarns they love and enjoy every step of the process.

Spin School is a comprehensive program that will help you become besties with your wheel, deftly use a variety of drafting methods, ply and finish your yarns like a pro, explore the fabulous range of spinning fibers, and spin all the commonly available fiber preparations with panache.

Spin School enrolls new students in March and September. Don’t worry—we’ll remind you. Just click here.

Before I tell you all about Spin School, let’s make sure you’re a good fit

You’re in the right place if you are . . .

Looking for a single comprehensive, reliable, and proven resource that will teach you, step by step, about all of the key elements of making your own yarn, so you can establish good habits and build a satisfying yarn-making practice as quickly and easily as possible.


Who’s had a few lessons but is still uncertain exactly how your wheel works and how to use it to create the beautiful yarns you can see in your mind’s eye.



Who has been spinning for a while, but is still unhappy with the yarns you’re making and unclear about how to make them better.


Who loves handspun yarns and would love to learn to make your own, but has no clue how to get started spinning.

Spin School will let you cut through all the spinning noise on the internet; provide you with reliable information that’s well-sequenced, clear, and actionable; and give you manageable, concrete exercises that you can use to build the knowledge base and manual skills you need to create yarns you love and can’t wait to use.

There’s a lot involved in becoming a versatile and confident spinner. Spin School breaks down the process into clear steps, so you can ditch the overwhelm and easily and confidently get to spinning yarns you love—much faster than you could if you go it alone.

By the end of Spin School, you will have . . .

Learned about the fundamental characteristics of yarn and how they determine the way different yarns look, feel, and behave, so you’ll be able to design yarns for specific purposes.

Gotten familiar with exactly how your wheel works and how to adjust it, so your wheel will always be working with you, never against you.

Become adept at several methods of drafting fiber so you have the skills and knowledge to create any yarn that you’d like.

Learned how to ply your yarn like a boss and finish all your yarns to bring out their best qualities, so you can make more yarns you love right away.

Become familiar with the vast range of different kinds of plant and animal fibers available for spinning, so you always choose fibers that are right for your skill level and intended purpose.

Learned why you should start using your handspun yarns to create cloth right away, and exactly how to do it.


Hi there! I’m Sasha.

I’ve supported hundreds of spinners in their quest to create yarns they love.

I've been spinning incessantly since 2009, and gathering and sharing spinning information for almost as long, through online courses, memberships, and podcasts.

In 2014, I started my company, Sheepspot. Its mission is to harness the vast power of online tools in order to provide spinners with a comprehensive and convenient spinning curriculum.

What motivates me? Glad you asked.

The early parts of my own spinning journey were pretty rough. I still vividly remember thinking I’d never "get" this craft that I so badly wanted to learn. When I bought my first wheel, I assembled it wrong and tried to spin fiber that was too slippery for me. My early spinning experiences left me feeling frustrated, confused, and guilty about having spent a bunch of money on a wheel when I could barely spin a continuous thread.

I don’t want anyone to experience the uncertainty and profound self-doubt I went through as a new spinner. As a university professor with decades of experience teaching adult learners, I had a hunch that I could help others avoid the same fate. So I created a clear, deliberately-sequenced, and comprehensive spinning curriculum, build on The Spinner's Journey™ and the Pillars of Skillful Spinning™, that supports students at all levels in becoming skillful, knowledgeable, and versatile yarnmakers.


Here’s what students have said about how working with me has impacted their spinning.


As a teacher, Sasha is kind, funny, wise and generous. She has inspired me to try new things, given me the confidence to do it, and the tools to make my own informed choices.


Being able to access the course during times that are convenient for me/my household has really increased my ability to focus and learn. Sasha is a totally amazingly awesome teacher!


I learned everything I know about spinning in from Sasha. I was a complete beginner when I started a year ago, having owned a wheel for about a week. The video lessons were great. Sasha taught me to spin - no question about it! 🧶 😊

What’s Inside Spin School

  • Whatever kind of wheel you have, if you and you’re wheel aren’t sympatico, it’s almost impossible to make good yarn. And a wheel that has been misassembled, needs lubrication or replacement parts, or isn’t adjusted properly is guaranteed to turn spinning into a frustrating chore. That’s not what I want for you.

    You’ll learn everything you need to know about how your wheel works and how to turn it into a yarn-making ally instead of an arch-nemesis. Working with an e-spinner, like the Electric Eel Nano? No worries! We’ll cover both treadle wheels and e-spinners in this module.

    Module 1 Highlights:

    • Learn the parts of your wheel and what they do

    • Check to make sure your wheel has been assembled correctly (!)

    • Understand the different ways wheels can work (a/k/a the different “drive systems”) and their advantages and disadvantages

    • Learn how to adjust the take up tension on your wheel

    • Understand the importance of twist and how to set up your wheel to achieve the twist you want

    • Learn how to maintain your wheel

  • Drafting is the process of choosing how much fiber your wheel will twist together to create yarn, and how you draft makes a huge difference in the characteristics of your yarn. In this module, you’ll how to draft in a variety of ways and how to choose a drafting method that will produce the yarn you want.

    Module 2 Highlights:

    • Know and understand the difference between “woolen” and “worsted” yarns (and why it matters)

    • Know which fiber is most appropriate for new spinners

    • Learn how to set up your wheel for drafting success

    • Learn how to do a short forward and short backward draft

    • Take a deeper dive into twist

    • Learn how to spin “from the fold”—and why you might want to

    • Identify and troubleshoot common drafting problems

    • Bonus lesson: supported long draw

  • When we ply, we twist together two or more strands of yarn in the direction opposite that in which they were spun; this balances the yarn’s twist and makes it stronger and more user-friendly. In this module, you’ll establish good plying habits and learn how to make two- and three-ply yarns with consistent ply twist throughout your skein.

    Module 3 Highlights:

    • Learn about the tools you’ll need to ply easily and successfully, and how to use them

    • Learn the mechanics of plying

    • Understand how much twist your plied yarn should have

    • Ensure even ply twist by counting your treadles

    • Learn and experiment with different ways of finishing your yarns

    • Know when to choose one yarn structure over another

    • Identify and address common plying problems

    • Bonus lesson: chain plying and low-twist singles yarns

  • In this module, you’ll learn why you should start using your handspun yarns to create cloth as soon as possible (yes, your yarns, right away)! You’ll also discover how to measure your yarns, so you can substitute them for commercial yarns easily. I’ll share some of my own handspun projects and show you exactly how to use Ravelry’s huge pattern library to find the best options for projects using your handspun.

    Module 4 Highlights:

    • Learn how to gather crucial information about your handspun yarns

    • See sample handspun projects

    • Use Ravelry’s advanced pattern search to choose the best patterns for your yarn

    • Start a handspun project of your own

    • Bonus lesson: Designing a yarn for a specific project

  • We begin this module with an overview of the wide range of plant and animal fibers available to spinners before diving deeper into the enormous variety of sheep and their wool. You’ll also learn about how fiber is prepared for spinning, and how to spin each of the fiber preparations widely available to handspinners.

    Module 5 Highlights:

    • Learn about what can you spin (hint: lots of things!)

    • Learn why wool is the best fiber to start with

    • Become familiar with different types of sheep and wool

    • Understand how wool is processed and prepared for spinning

    • Learn how to spin roving, batts, and rolags

These bonuses will help you generate momentum right away

& keep it throughout the course!


The Jump Start Your Spinning Mini-Course

$67 value

Spin School takes a methodical, step-by-step approach, but if you’ve already been spinning for a minute I want to help you improve your yarns right away.

In Jump Start Your Spinning, I give you five immediately-actionable ways to move the needle on your spinning fast. These tips will give you more control of your drafting and twist, make your yarns more consistent, and build your spinning confidence.


The Get Your Mind Right Mini-Course

$57 value

As with most things in life, the way you think about spinning has a big impact on your experience at the wheel. In other words, cultivating the right mindset is key to spinning well.

In Get Your Mind Right, you’ll learn about the important difference between a “growth” and “fixed” mindset, and I’ll show you how to tackle the five biggest mindset blocks I’ve seen in my students that prevent them from making progress.


Your Very Own Spinning Mentor


One of the best things about making yarn is becoming a member of the spinning community. And I want you to become part of ours!

That’s why, if you wish, we’ll pair you with a member of The Guild by Sheepspot, our membership program for intermediate and advanced spinners.

Your mentor commits to meeting virtually with you at least once a month for the duration of the course to check in with you and answer any questions you have.


As a Spin School Student, You’ll Get:

  • A thoughtfully-sequenced, professionally-designed, and complete solution to the problem of learning to spin, created by an educator who has been teaching for decades and has already helped hundreds of spinners make more yarn they love.

  • Your very own spinning mentor

  • An educational experience you can tailor to your particular learning style

  • The Jump Start Your Spinning mini-course

  • Five in-depth modules that cover the fundamental elements of spinning, so you’ll understand best practices and build good habits from the beginning

  • Lifetime access to course lessons and materials, and to any revisions or additions I make in the future

  • The Get Your Mind Right mini-course


The modules, the bonus mini-courses, a spinning mentor, community access, and one office hour with me per month for the duration of the course

Full Payment $597 USD

5 monthly payments of $137 USD

For equity pricing, contact support@sheepspot.com


  • Absolutely! I created Spin School with brand-new spinners in mind and you can rest assured that these materials have already helped lots of spinners get started and progress quickly toward making yarns they love.

  • First of all, let’s celebrate the fact that you’re already spinning, and that you’ve had the determination to get started on your own! 🥳

    Many self-taught spinners have already benefitted from these materials, so yes, this course is for you. Spin School will fill in important gaps in your knowledge and ensure that you understand best practices and build good habits. You’ll get where you want to go much faster and more easily than you would going it alone.

  • You’ll need a wheel in good working order, three bobbins, some inexpensive wool to practice with, a lazy kate, and a niddy noddy. I highly recommend that you invest as well in some storage bobbins and a bobbin winder, and a notebook to store your notes on course materials and spinning projects.

  • Great question. You’ll get the lessons for each module on the first of the month. Expect watching the lessons and doing the homework to take 2-3 hours per week.

Try Spin School Risk-Free

Spin School comes with a risk-free 14-day guarantee.

You will receive module 1 on October 1, so you’ll have two weeks to watch the lessons and do the exercises. If you decide the course isn’t for you, let us know by October 14. Show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment.

You can find full details of the refund policy here.

If you’re thinking, “Spin School sounds amazing, but I’m still not 100% sure,” keep reading.

You want to be able create X yarn.

Whether your X = sock yarn, or lace yarn, or any other yarn you can imagine, Spin School will help you make yarns intentionally. In other words, it will give you the knowledge and skills you need to choose the specific drafting method, fiber choice, ply structure, and finishing method that will produce the yarn you want.

You want to create handmade things that are truly heirloom quality.

You don’t just want to spin. You want to spin really well. I hear you. And you absolutely can, by mastering the fundamentals mindfully and systematically. Spin School is designed to support you in doing just that.

You want to know all. the. things. about spinning.

You know that there’s a lot to learn about spinning, and you want to learn them all. Believe me, I know the feeling. We truly live in a golden age of spinning: there are so many wonderful techniques, tools, and fibers to try. But doesn’t it make sense to start methodically, with a proven curriculum taught by an experienced teacher? Spin School provides exactly that: a sturdy foundation from which you can go on to explore all the things, secure in the knowledge that you’ve mastered the basics and you’re ready for what’s next.

Spinning isn’t magic . . .

But it is a kind of superpower

Let me let you in on a secret. I don’t teach spinning because I’m passionate about twist angle, achieving the perfect grist, or the wonders of wool (though I am). 

I teach spinning because I want to share what I get from spinning: a foolproof way to quiet my sometimes-overactive brain, endless occasions to practice self-compassion, and regular opportunities to do battle with the perfectionism that drives me to work way too much.

I teach spinning because I deeply believe that spinning makes us better. Spinning invites us not just to do but also to be: to be creative, to be in the present, to be connected to the generations and generations of spinners that came before us. To hear ourselves think in this noisy world. To rest. To refill our cups so we can serve others from the saucer. To fail sometimes and to keep going.

I want you to tap into all that spinning has to offer. Because we both know it’s not just about the yarn. It’s about you becoming your best self.