The Sheepspot Podcast

The Sheepspot Podcast, which recently celebrated seventy-thousand downloads, is a show for handspinners about making yarns we love.

The podcast offers quick, actionable tips that you can use right away to make better yarn, use that yarn in ways that delight you, or otherwise enrich your practice as a fiber artist by deepening your knowledge of spinning techniques and materials.

I started the Sheepspot Podcast in 2017. It aired once a week until the pandemic, at which point it went on indefinite hiatus (like so many things).

But as of January, 2024, we’re back! I am so excited to get behind the mic again to share weekly doses of fibery goodness with listeners!

Available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe inside your podcast app so you never miss an episode! Links to the podcast on popular apps are below. If you use another app, just scan the QR code!

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One More Thing . . .

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